Classroom Walkthroughs
Make your walkthroughs more meaningful with McREL’s built-in Teacher Walkthrough Template, which utilizes strategies from the best-selling book: Classroom Instruction That Works, 2nd Edition.
Get More from Your Classroom Walkthroughs
Principals know that to serve as effective instructional leaders, they should conduct regular classroom walkthroughs.
• But what should they look for when observing teachers?
• What is the best way to track progress and report their observations to teachers?
• How can they determine if staff development efforts are leading
to growth in teaching and student learning?
Turn 5 Minute Observations into
Power Walkthroughs
Focus on Proven Instructional Strategies
McREL’s Power Walkthrough software helps school leaders turn their regular classroom observations into “power walkthroughs.â€
Strategies from McREL’s popular books, Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd Edition (CITW) and Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd Edition, are the basis for this classroom observation tool. In just a three-to-five minute visit, you can observe the teachers’ use of effective instructional strategies, level of student engagement, use of technology, and other teacher practices that research has shown to influence student learning.
After multiple visits to classrooms throughout the building, administrators are able to see aggregate patterns in classroom practice, coach teachers, and plan needs-driven professional development.
Amazing Technical Support
If you find that you require some assistance with Power Walkthrough, our dedicated staff will help you with all aspects of the system including training and ongoing support.
Trusted by Thousands of
Satisfied Users
Join the thousands who use Power Walkthrough every day. Over 1 million classroom observations have been conducted with Power Walkthrough.
Collect, Analyze, Track
and Report Valuable Data
Following classroom observations, administrators can upload and analyze the collected data. With the app/web-based software, school leaders can create customizable reports containing easy-to-read charts and graphs that include:
• Which CITW strategies teachers are using
• The ways teachers and students are using technology to teach and learn
• How well students can articulate their learning goals
Choose the Statistics
You Want to See
See the overall observation data for the school or utilize a filter to focus on a specific team or reporting element. View the compiled data for a particular day or for the entire school year if you choose. Power Walkthrough’s reporting feature allows you to see only the data you need.
Print Your Reports
or Send Them Via Email
If you need to share your observation reports with colleagues, Power Walkthrough makes this simple. A quick click will take care of your sharing needs.
Use Power Walkthrough Via a Web Browser
or Your Mobile Device
Complete your observations conveniently with the Power Walkthrough mobile application for iOS devices. The mobile application allows classroom observations to be conducted offline, which is ideal for schools without full or dependable WiFi coverage.
The mobile application collaborates with the web-based version of Power Walkthrough to provide a complete end-to-end solution for mobile data collection with cloud-based data storage and analysis. This application also takes advantage of many native iPad / iPhone features such as voice dictation and the built in camera. The Power Walkthrough app can be found within Apple’s App store.